Coreen Zalot
Coreen Zalot is the creator, producer, A.D. and writer of the feature length documentary, “A Created Life, a journey to empowerment.” A film that discusses ACEs, neuroplasticity, resiliency, epigenetics and her personal journey of healing and forgiveness. As a public speaker, she advocates for ACEs awareness, resiliency, empowerment, and holistic health and wellness. She has always believed in the power of the human mind, the endurance of the spirit and our innate desire for connection.
Coreen’s holistic approach to wellness began as a teenager, while studying Siddha Yoga meditation with Gurumayia Chidvilasananda. Her journey toward inner peace took her down many paths, exploring the mind, body and spirit connections. She spent over 25 years in various personal growth and development programs such as The Event, Landmark Worldwide, PSI, and Tony Robbins. As she continued her studies, delving into fitness, she worked for 10 years as an aerobics instructor and personal trainer. Coreen’s passion for being a contribution to the well-being of others, drew her into nursing. She expanded on her nursing career by becoming a certified health and wellness coach and certified yoga instructor.
Coreen is the CEO and founder of Wholesum Health and Wellness, LLC., a holistic health coaching and education company. She is certified in Trauma informed and Resilience practices through Dr. Allison Jackson’s C.A.R.E program. A 5 module series program that covers ACEs, the impact on the brain, resilience, vicarious trauma and community resilience. She is a member of the AZ ACEs Consortium and ACEs Connections.
Coreen has been featured in podcasts such as the Near Death Experiences Research foundation, Life Happens, and Celeste the Therapist. She was also featured in the 1000 acts of courage campaign, focusing on the well-being, empowerment and equity of girls and women. Her film was an official selection in the Jerome Indie film festival and the Worldwide Women’s film festival.